apparent source

英 [əˈpærənt sɔːs] 美 [əˈpærənt sɔːrs]

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  1. The intervening matter between the source and the observer gravitationally deflects and focuses the light bundle, increasing the apparent angular size of the source.
  2. Achieving softer light requires making the apparent size of the light source bigger.
  3. Change in the apparent frequency of a wave as observer and source move toward or away from each other.
  4. Comparative Research on Apparent Digestibility of Dry Matter and Crude Protein of Different Protein Source Diets in Blue Fox
  5. Analysis of apparent heat source and apparent moist sink suggest that cumulus convection activities were active, and the convective rainfall dominated.
  6. The vertical advection term is the main contributor of the apparent heat source and apparent moist sink.
  7. Computation of whole-time zone apparent resistivity from linear source time domain soundings
  8. The calculation of the all time apparent resistivity with horizontal electric field component in the bipolar source
  9. The algorithm of apparent resistivity for magnetic source frequency sounding
  10. 2) multiple earthquake ( strike-slip) features complex earthquake dislocation mode, low or very low stress drop, high or very high apparent stress and high heterogeneous level of medium in earthquake source region.
  11. Using the FGGE-III ( b) data of 1979, this paper analyzed the spectrum structure of the total energy, the apparent heat source and the moisture sink over the Asian summer monsoon areas.
  12. The Apparent Impedance Method of Controlled Source and Its Applications
  13. It showed that the genesis and development of the "98.7" heavy rainfall were directly related to both apparent vorticity source and total vorticity source of the mesoscale system with heavy rainfall.
  14. Research on Auditory Apparent Motion in Multiple-Noise Source Way
  15. The application of apparent resistivity parameter caused by the point source under the ground
  16. Diagnostic analysis of the apparent vorticity source and vorticity change-rate of the developing mesoscale system during the 98.7 heavy rainfall
  17. The first experiment tested the effect of stimulus duration and ISI on auditory apparent motion in the horizontal plane and multiple-noise source way.
  18. The measurement for apparent activity of afterloading iridium-192 source
  19. On the basis of discussion about various budget equations, the horizontal pattern and vertical profiles of apparent source and sink with direct and indirect methods over the Changjiang River basin during Mei-yu heavy rain are summarized.
  20. The concept of apparent impedance of controlled source and the apparent impedance method for electronic circuit analysis are introduced in this paper.
  21. Finite element forward solution of two dimensional frequency electromagnetic sounding impedance apparent resistivity a source-effect correction algorithm calculating 2-D impedance apparent resistivity of frequency electromagnetic sounding with electrical dipole source
  22. Apparent parameter determined in the field can be used directly to evaluate anomalous source without inversion of true parameter.
  23. The relationship between learning motivation and sense of self-efficacy and self-esteem is apparent, self-esteem about learning is the positive source of learning motivation.
  24. Seasonal variability regarding the nature of precipitation and the activity of cumulus convection during the 1991 Meiyu season of Changjiang Huaihe River Basin ( Jianghuai) has been investigated by calculating apparent heat source/ apparent moisture sink and analyzing TBB data.
  25. A source-effect correction algorithm calculating 2-D impedance apparent resistivity of frequency electromagnetic sounding with electrical dipole source
  26. In a certain long time, it is apparent that coal will still be the major energy source.